1) Research WIDELY and DEEPLY various arenas. Not just 'ideal' careers that one's community/ heritage labels as 'respectable', but beyond the apparent norms too. In your exploration, you would meet a few that would interest you; That which aligns with your personality. In order to recognize this, you need to develop a KEEN interest to know yourSELF first.
2) Ask yourself Qs like- "Am I more logical, analytical and objective OR more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective?"
a- Logic and academic fields, manifest as DEPTH in certain subjects sporadically. Here, Be prepared to study INTENSIVELY. There are FIXED syllabuses with which you aren't favored to argue against. Egs- Medicine, Engineering, law, etc (Done that been there. Despite your innovative creativity and unlimited imagination here, in the end you need to PRECISELY know EXACTLY what's written in the related texts.)
b- Creative pathways, manifest as WIDTH in forms of spectra, continuous and connected in arrays. there is no absolute rules of rights and wrongs. Its a continuous expanding spectrum with infinite possibilities growing multi-dimensionally with the evolution of the soul and Persona. 2 minds perceive the exact object/ source in 2 significantly different ways. Eg- Art, Writing, Architecture, Embroidery, Choreography, etc
3) After you narrow your preferences to say 5, I suggest you get interactive on a personal level. Arrange appointments with renowned professionals in those fields of interest. Arrange meetings at appropriate times, where you can observe and assist them yourself. BE ALERT and ACTIVELY learn via asking them constructive questions. Do you see yourself ENJOYING those environments on a regular basis?
The most convenient and predictable routes in life are usually the most stagnating pathways. What makes the ultimate difference in outstanding individuals of all time, is the extend they are willing to take risks, to explore that extra mile of unknown possibilities. Those willing to accommodate various outcomes of life that may ramify from nothing to anything. The good news is, you're not "OBLIGED" to imitate anybody regardless how picturesque their style maybe. Its wise to have mentors guiding you through the milestone phase, however, you can INNOVATE your own individual style. Your own designs, exhibiting your dreams into YOUR REALITY.
You have all the tools withIN you to seek your UNIQUE Chosen Odyssey. Simply reach INto the compass of your heart and let your intuitions guide you to the Oasis of Serenity. There are no boundaries to YOUR infinite possibilities. Remember, a career that won't require your PASSION can't pay your Heart.