73. No Boundaries to Career Pathways  

Posted by Dr. Dheena Sadik

I was recalling my Pre-School days when the majority of my classmates wished to either become doctors, pilots, engineers or teachers.When and why did we outgrow those dreams with time? I invite you to consider the following tips before embarking on a new/ change in career and also as a guidance to young adults in your vicinity-

1) Research WIDELY and DEEPLY various arenas. Not just 'ideal' careers that one's community/ heritage labels as 'respectable', but beyond the apparent norms too. In your exploration, you would meet a few that would interest you; That which aligns with your personality. In order to recognize this, you need to develop a KEEN interest to know yourSELF first.

2) Ask yourself Qs like- "Am I more logical, analytical and objective OR more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective?"

a- Logic and academic fields, manifest as DEPTH in certain subjects sporadically. Here, Be prepared to study INTENSIVELY. There are FIXED syllabuses with which you aren't favored to argue against. Egs- Medicine, Engineering, law, etc (Done that been there. Despite your innovative creativity and unlimited imagination here, in the end you need to PRECISELY know EXACTLY what's written in the related texts.)

b- Creative pathways, manifest as WIDTH in forms of spectra, continuous and connected in arrays. there is no absolute rules of rights and wrongs. Its a continuous expanding spectrum with infinite possibilities growing multi-dimensionally with the evolution of the soul and Persona. 2 minds perceive the exact object/ source in 2 significantly different ways. Eg- Art, Writing, Architecture, Embroidery, Choreography, etc

3) After you narrow your preferences to say 5, I suggest you get interactive on a personal level. Arrange appointments with renowned professionals in those fields of interest. Arrange meetings at appropriate times, where you can observe and assist them yourself. BE ALERT and ACTIVELY learn via asking them constructive questions. Do you see yourself ENJOYING those environments on a regular basis?

The most convenient and predictable routes in life are usually the most stagnating pathways. What makes the ultimate difference in outstanding individuals of all time, is the extend they are willing to take risks, to explore that extra mile of unknown possibilities. Those willing to accommodate various outcomes of life that may ramify from nothing to anything. The good news is, you're not "OBLIGED" to imitate anybody regardless how picturesque their style maybe. Its wise to have mentors guiding you through the milestone phase, however, you can INNOVATE your own individual style. Your own designs, exhibiting your dreams into YOUR REALITY.

You have all the tools withIN you to seek your UNIQUE Chosen Odyssey. Simply reach INto the compass of your heart and let your intuitions guide you to the Oasis of Serenity. There are no boundaries to YOUR infinite possibilities. Remember, a career that won't require your PASSION can't pay your Heart.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 1:46 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Great site! Please visithttp://www.myebook.com/index.php?option=ebook&id=6960 and the article http://socyberty.com/issues/intuition-versus-logic/. Much success to you!

April 3, 2010 at 8:34 PM


My sister you have nailed it on the head! This should be incorporated as a maxim by all educational guidance counselors on every level of academia.

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April 4, 2010 at 3:03 PM
Anthony Clatts  

"The most convenient and predictable routes in life are usually the most stagnating pathways."
The most convenient are usually the least constructive

June 3, 2010 at 12:11 PM
Karen Collins  

cant let any grass grow under their butts tho, oldest decided he might take a little surfing holiday after graduation. HA! 2 words for motivation. 1. Homeless shelter or 2. Real job and 3. Pay rent. Now, go pick something. He thanked me a couple of months ago. lol its easy to not get on track at all, not just off track. I love him too much not to point him in the right direction. :-)

June 3, 2010 at 12:11 PM
Anthony P. Johnson  

The search for universal truth and without borders brings us ever so close to truly understanding our purpose. Dr. Dheena does it again. She continues to challenge us to transform ourselves beyond the realm of possibilities into a universe of embracing ourselves and one another.

June 3, 2010 at 12:12 PM
Will Jim Tombo  

Dheena, A sincere thank you. I needed this. I find that when I am aligned with Love, anything and everything seems possible. Creativity flows and life becomes easy and fun again. Best of all, I experience "Lila" (divine play), life as a spontaneous "game" played by lighthearted forces beyond our understanding. This is when I am alive and happy. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!!

"A career that won't require your PASSION can't pay your Heart." Genius.


June 3, 2010 at 12:13 PM
Cheryl F Batoon  

Thank you Dheena my Sis for a beautiful piece that ties to seeking our passions in life in order to follow our life purpose. These are the days of seeking our passions as our form of "work" and to no longer seek a "Job" for the money only, but because one passionately loves what they are doing. I wrote a blog on this back in Feb 2009 after I lost... See More my job and rediscovered my passion for writing. I haven't made money yet in this endeavor, but I will tell you this, I am truly happy and no matter what life brings my way, I am always filled with joy seeking and achieving my passions. Love you Dheena and thank you for this piece. I especially enjoyed this.... Oasis of Serenity. Yes that is exactly what it is...our OASIS OF SERENITY!!! ♥ to ♥

June 3, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

Totally agree with my angelic friend, Dheena!!!
Also, congatulations to you, dear Cheryl !!!

Nevertheless, sometimes we have to take "detours" especially if we are completely on our own...at 18 years old I had to start teaching and help pay for the education of my 8 sisters and brothers with nobody to rely on... my parents did their very best but extra help was needed...finally we all have university degrees... but as you say , Dheena, that is not necessarily the door to the actualization of one's greatest intellectual and creative assets and one's soul 's calling!!!

Even my son who read at the grade 8 level in KDG. is still not in his groove, using all his talents and his creativity and realizing his ideals... in spite of my full cooperation and support. I tell him about the SERENITY prayer and encourage him to try to find out how these present work experiences may be a spring-board for future endeavours...using the dividends acquired...

Dear Dheena, your suggestions regarding self-questioning in order to decipher one's aptitudes [natural propensities ] ,abilities and passions are extremely helpful. There are also many similar surveys on the net and used in high schools to help young adolescents find out more about themselves and the appropriate areas where they could flourish using their full potential... passionately...

June 3, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Will Jim Tombo  

@Therese, I love the Serenity Prayer!!

@Dheena, thanks for starting another great discussion. I get so much great energy from reading the posts.

June 3, 2010 at 12:15 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

Nice to hear Will!!! I LOVE allllllllll the comments and esp. Dheena's essay [ A+]!!!

Here is a link that high schools or even Grades 7 & 8 students could use:


June 3, 2010 at 12:15 PM
Cheryl F Batoon  

Thank you Will and Therese!

Therese, I wanted to add that rediscovering who we are is the first step. Even for our kids. When they have rediscovered who they really are, their authentic self, they will rediscover their passions. Oftentimes, our kids know exactly what they truly are passionate about, but it is parents, peers, and others that steer them away from their passions (i.e. the parent that wants their kid to be a doctor or play sports because this was their passion and they were unable to attain it or they never thought this was what they could do, but they want to live vicariously thru their kids, friends/peers convince them otherwise, or a teacher says they are good at one thing and press for them to excel in that...and the list goes on and on - belief systems, perceptions, and life experiences keep us from being our authentic selves...).

As a teenager, I loved writing and especially writing poetry. This ended after I experienced numerous tragedies as a teenager and there went my passion. I ended up getting a job to survive instead of pursuing my passions then. I spent 28 years of my working life doing what I had to do to make money, have the beautiful home, car, and so on and so forth...yet I had high blood pressure, asthma, was very overweight, and totally unhappy...I truly believe that when we rediscover our passion, we rediscover our life purpose that we charted for all along...this is what resonates for me...

June 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

Congratulations Cheryl for traveling "The Road Less Traveled" and coming HOME!!!

June 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Keith Griffith  

Bless you Dr. Sadik

June 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM

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