78. Once upon a Six Billion  

Posted by Dr. Dheena Sadik in , ,

Once upon a time, two deep minds, hearts and souls began to FEEL their thoughts. As they began exploring their own Heart beat, they began weaving their insomniac thoughts into words. As they eventually met, it was PURE coordinated synergism with one complimenting the other's experiences, in such bountiful abundant sync they were amazed beyond all words could describe the unbelievable awe, perhaps as though Rumi met Khalil Gibran. One would mention a feeling or thought only for the other to complete the rest of the former's ice berg. As one was on a journey via Self discovery and evolution set to seek the Lord, the other spiral was concerned with much of Humanity's plight after having had lessons across the other side of the globe, only to realize their intentions were crumbs of their intuitions, overlapping in phase that mirrored one another beyond Biology, Psychology, Romance or mere Coincidence. What then- Spiritual Bliss?

It wasn't mere Love. For hasn't apparent Love beckoned many a times within and around their vicinities? And didn't they see and hear of other "love stories", both past and present. Their amalgamation is undoubtedly more rare and unbelievable to stumble upon, for what are the chances of 2/6,000,000,000 beings today? This story is far from over. Alas! Its just the beginning. For these two souls chose to grasp responsible and hold the burden for all it's worth, for the good of Humanity to keep living as their ONE legend~~~

This entry was posted on Friday, May 21, 2010 at 9:37 PM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I resonate with this one.........

May 31, 2010 at 2:13 AM
Scottie Lowe  

Twin Flame

It is my understanding, that in life, we meet several soul mates, people who come in our lives to help us resolve issues and grow spiritually. We feel an instant "connection" with them, like we've known them forever. Soul mates are usually aligned with the same goals and the relationships usually have a very harmonious tone to them ... See Morebut can dissolve when the purpose is fulfilled.

A Twin Flame is the other half of your soul. In the beginning of time, when the Creator breathed life into your essence, it was split in half and sent out to journey towards wholeness. Over many, many lifetimes, the split soul works to heal itself and become reunited with its other half. There is only one twin flame for every person in the world and in order to be reunited, you must slay your emotional demons and purge yourself from the things that keep you separate, namely your inability to recognize the divinity within you. When you find that divine right partner, that twin flame, that soul that was created for you, MAGIC happens, you are aligned in every way, moving towards greatness as a whole.

Not everyone is destined to meet their twin flame in "this" lifetime. You must evolve, grow, you must radically shift your consciousness in order to meet your twin flame. Once you understand the concept, once you are made aware on a cellular level that such a connection exists, no other relationship will satisfy the longing in your heart to be reunited with "the one." You might live your entire life, searching for your twin flame, only to have your partner living a life where he or she is working out an issue essential for their growth. Once, however you are reunited with your twin flame, you will spend the rest of eternity together, nothing can separate you.

Scottie Lowe of AfroerotiK

June 3, 2010 at 8:38 AM
Amela Omerika  

Terrific my sister Dheena..many selams to you from here in Germany

Your German-Bosnian soul-sister AMELA :)))))))

June 3, 2010 at 11:36 AM
Hesham Abu Mariah  

According to your description; beyond percieved existence there story seems to unfold; beyond described realms they continue to exist; an unseen, unheard, undefined form of unintentional spiritual alchemy will continue to connect them, and an inexplicable light from an unknown direction, will manifest through the legends that they are, bringing a new dawn to a reality that's gone dark and cold.
Like magical candles within themselves they will burn, and reemerge, only to burn again and light up the way with a blessed wax. Like the immortal cocoon and butterfly, there legend will resonate and shine across ages to come, like it did in ages passed.

The rest of the story is yet to unfold I guess...

June 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Ley Vickers  

This brought a tear to my eyes.. its a beautiful phenomenum I am currently experiencing.. the meeting of two souls destined to be together.. Wow.. how amazing an experience! thank you for sharing ♥ love and blessings to you sis xx

June 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Sharon Watkins  

you have painted here an understanding, an essence of a deep rich reality beyond space and time. Awesome in concept and delivery. Namaste'!

June 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Pete Nauman  

I know you know this, but remember that there is no being out there who decides you go to heaven and you go to hell. That decision is yours and yours alone. And it is instantaneous and ever changing. The energy with which you vibrate, or resonate, is the energy of your state of heaven. As above, so below my friends. No priest, and no god can change that.

Never think that you have somehow been separated from god. You cannot be. The fact that you are here means you are part of him, her, it…whatever. Know this love and release your fear and all will be well, even in suffering. You never learn anything when it all goes well, you know. That is why God is all wise. He got that way the same way you are doing it. Cool huh?

June 3, 2010 at 11:38 AM
Karen Airs  

oOh Dearest, your expression of Creation's heArt simply leaves me spellbound in balance. Unity in Soul's purity is an unspoken lottery for the brilliantly unique. The abundance of the web we weave is all within our hands, resculpting a grander picture as our Hearts flow and pump natural nourishment within our blood-thirsty veins. HIstory is in the making and you are shining at your brilliance my sweet, sweet Friend. What a divine gift of Beauty we have all received within the presence of your graces! I know i am foreverly grateful for your healing touch of ancient wisdom painted with pure artistic beauty. ♥

June 3, 2010 at 11:38 AM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

I just read this quickly and I will come back to it ...amazing entry, Dheena, and the comments are WONDERfullllll I especially fully understand Pete's comments ... and I love them! YOU have traveled many miles, it seems on the "Road less Traveled"... to come to these realizations!!!

@ Hesham~~~I always love to read your poetic prose and reflect ... See Moreon your profound ideas!!! I so appreciate all your entries!

@ Peter~~~You are right we all have different perspectives but isn't it a superb idea to synthesize them all into the primordial, fundamental core of LIFE itself... including eternal LIFE...without letting WORDS and THOUGHTS get in the way... All religions, paradigms, and philosophies , no matter how competitive and belligerent they are have NO impact on what IS... it just IS...
The problem is that human beings think, sense, and feel that by PREACHING and YELLING and FIGHTING it does/will have an IMPACT [ even a retroactive one] on what has always been, IS, and will continue to BE !!!
Surrendering, going with the FLOW, ACCEPTING the unKNOWN, the INEVITABLE, the dynamics of the UNIVERSE and all it entails, etc... brings so much FREEDOM, Harmony, and JOY in our lives!!!

@~~~Dheena I just reread your entry carefully and believe me I am deeply touched especially since I would want this kind of connection for YOU with someone of your caliber!!! It is kind of magical... and it does happen...
I, myself, am very grateful and thrilled for my connection with you!!! You have immensely enRICHed my life!!!

June 3, 2010 at 11:39 AM
Ian Furey  

the legend continues

June 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Sultan Khilji  

I needed to hear that today! Thank you, Dheena! : )

June 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Anthony Clatts  

The beyond is before and after us. We attain to it. We have become a conscious imagination. Every system in the universe eventually resolves into something more than atoms of energy... A structure self contained in us. We are determined.

June 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Ian Furey  

synergy ~ infinite energy. Quantum leaps in consciousness. Nirvana

June 3, 2010 at 11:41 AM
Dyann M. Lyon  

Dheena, I LOVE this! It is very moving and very powerful stuff. I am in Peter's camp as I too: "...look forward to further updates" and also believe "You just can't beat a good Love Story..." As a romantic at heart I am very excited about the possibility that you are writing about yourself and someone else. Ahhhh....Lovely!

June 3, 2010 at 11:41 AM
Debra Barnett  

So many wonderful, eloquent poets...my part in this is to be a receiver and hear each of you. Fantastic!

June 3, 2010 at 11:41 AM
Cheryl F Batoon  

Thank you for sharing this wonderful description of the Twin Flame relationship Dheena my Sis. Twin Flames are not necessarily the greatest love story ever told, but are to partner for the greater good of humanity. I love your description...so very perfect! ♥ to ♥

June 3, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Debra Barnett  

Being at One with Nature so fills and renews! Thanks for sharing your yesterday's bounty, Dheena. I can see it so clearly in my mind's eye that I can smell the rain and the mango blossoms' fragrance.... ♥

June 3, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Russ Donda  

Only in the joining are the two made whole and creation is born....

June 3, 2010 at 11:43 AM

Thank You everyone. Interesting You guys made SO much of this story that tingled my mind as I sat outside watching the Leaves welcome the April Monsoon Earth-scented Rains chaperoned with the music of roaring thunder and the glitter of Sparkling Lightening across the horizon.

Its not simply the synergism amongst us Human Beings, rather this pure tapestry is also ... woven amongst our neighbors within our Kingdom. The BEauty of Plants and animals in their generous nature to share and BE in symbiosis amongst those outside their own genus; I recall noticing a mango tree blossoming into a teenage coconut palm decorating the space with bunches of Mangoes. If this isn't pure sweet Love, then is it anything less is all I wonder...


"...an inexplicable light from an unknown direction, will manifest through the legends.."

I believe the direction is FELT, rather than unknown. Since its getting in touch with the innate somehow, the light reflects inside out. As the core reaches the Lord, attracting similar intentions and heartbeats on the way of the Light's flawless path.

June 3, 2010 at 11:44 AM

Very beautiful and touching...


June 10, 2010 at 1:10 AM

Dear Dheena, you have the most beautiful blog I have ever seen !
It's Art and Literature ,more than that !
The general landscape and the beautiful and unique writings are touching my heart.

Congratulations ! I posted some of your essays on my blogs : www.rrodia.blogspot.com and www.fanbox.com/roxrodica and your blog is on the first page of my blog rrodia.


June 10, 2010 at 5:32 PM

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