Both. Most things in life need to be initiated and propelled via hard-work and determination in order to see an effective result. As for the rest, it happens for our own benefit in the end, although we may not realize or accept it at the moment it occurs. But the difference in trying to create our sunshine gardens with our bare hands,is that it leaves us with nothing to regret, regardless of how the flowers may bloom.
I have had the pleasure of actually realizing, that I am creating my own reality. It's a wonderful feeling. Thank you for inviting me to view your blog...it's very interesting and enlightening to read your words and see your visuals.
You're Welcome Martie. Glad to provide serenity in every possible horizon.
Arya- I believe some Humans too follow theirs. Its simply a matter of following your heart and mind. If only we would listen to the waves within us, we would find the bottle with the message for us.
We can choose our path...Life is about a choice from moment to moment :~)
Aprin- Agreed! Its the beads of choices that create tour chain of our Life slowly.
Yes, it is only us who decide whether we are our best friends or worst enemies.
It is about self talk and the mental programming which governs our thoughts and directs our actions for the entirety of our lives.
Arya- Agreed. Thoughts emanate via our experiences and encounters. Every single collision counts in contribution to our growth.
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* Happiness
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Here, on Chosen Odyssey You would come across a peculiar wave of thoughts and inferences via experiences.
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LIVE every breathe of Your phenomenal life.
Life is too short to be little.
There is only one You.
Worthy Quotes
"We begin life with the world presenting itself to us as it is. Someone - our parents, teachers, analysts - hypnotizes us to "see" the world and construe it in the "right" way. These others label the world, attach names and give voices to the beings and events in it, so that thereafter, we cannot read the world in any other language or hear it saying other things to us. The task is to break the hypnotic spell, so that we become undeaf, unblind and multilingual, thereby letting the world speak to us in new voices and write all its possible meanings in the new book of our existence. Be careful in your choice of hypnotists."
~Sidney Jourard
Dr. Dheena Sadik
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About Dr. Dheena Sadik
Born and raised in Sri Lanka, the Universe swept me away to a historic city in the heart of Asia for my medical studies. This metamorphic half decade molded me in challenging ways beyond my imagination as I arrived in Nawabshah, a medieval city in the heart of Sind province of Pakistan, that ideally fits the description of the Arabian Nights tales.
Eventually, I realized my true calling is to heal beings via the elixir of writing rather than synthetic drugs. Hence, I now embark on an unpredictable journey as I travel to pursue my dream.
With patience and perseverance, I continue to remain steadfast in following my passion guided by intuition.
Through writing, I look forward to sharing my Chosen Odyssey with you.