NOW is the legendary bond linking two uncontrollable Universal Paradigms- our past and future. Not only is this momentous bridge embedded deeper and wider between yesterday and tomorrow but also connects us literally, biologically, spiritually and through many other realms to all of existence within our expanding Universe. The reason NOW is crucial can be explained conveniently via the Butterfly effect which states that the movement of a butterfly here and now may have severe repercussions on wind strength and eventually throughout the weather system of the globe, potentially strong enough to cause tornadoes halfway around the world.
Our entire being, from the innate non-physical to the pain-pleasure tangible continuum of the physical segment, undoubtedly surpasses time and space. Nonetheless, our common epoch here is to dive through the physical human experience channel via this transit lounge at the cushion and tender alms of our dear Mother Earth. Every intention transformed into silence, words and actions have their own consequential butterfly effects. These create their own unique velocities and momentum individually and eventually amalgamate to affect the evolution of our Universe towards higher dimensions. This in turn is an effect proceeded by cascades of events from our ancestors of the intangible mysterious past.
Hence, every entity, be it animate and inanimate are intricately inter-connected to one another beyond what is blatantly conspicuous. When we simplify our diverse variables by the common denominator of our Oneness, we are blessed with the galactic beauty of a garden of cosmic atoms and an ocean of aquatic cells holding hands and hearts with Unconditional Love.