Hey Muhabbat,
Its great to see you channeled via hatred to find Love. Sometimes we mistakenly judge people based on their weaknesses. Everyone has good in them, no matter how poorly they may display it. This may only reveal itself if we would reach deeper with patience. Nobody in the phase of this Earth deserves to be hated as everybody would have something deserved to be to loved.
love is universal weapon to conquer world without destruction and ruin but we use love a ammunition to destroy, why perhaps we don’t know what is love
Farouk- The reason for this is that within every human there is the power to show compassion to those he/ she chooses and at the same time be less compassionate to those of not the same comfort zones. This started off right from Day 1 of Humanity. The tribes displayed animosity to other tribes with brutality. Eventually as civilization grew those "Survival of the Fittest" Qualities in Man didn't die away. As much as we may seem developed today, Man will ALWAYS remain opportunistic more or less to the same degree Since Adam's era.
Farouk- Well, I agree.That's why we say Love should unconditional. Then there is the Question of the types of Love. Love is Universally Positive and Great. However, the Love one has for his/ her partner comes with different responsibilities to the Love he/she possesses for his/ her parents, children and his country. Together with the responsibilities there comes an added element of various perspectives. Love ISN'T Blind. It requires work everyday. As much one feels they love someone, they also should be willing to stand by them. There is more than the butterflies, rainbows and Music. There is also Pain and tears to be dealt with. Once one gets through all of the various facets is the true understanding of its definition.
Dina agreed "Love is Universally Positive and Great with huge responsibilities"
Jenny- Thank You, there is room for disagreement and healthy discussions always here :)
Love turns away Hate..When there is no one to fight with the animosity ceases!
Jennifer- Indeed and in fact surprises the enemy beyond all heights! :)
Haroun- Unfortunately not every being finds this as a tangible positive entity on a daily basis.
Yes but the love of the self is surely the backdrop for any other reverberation!
Sue- Agreed! Its unbelievable AFTER realizing this how you realize how few people actually Love themselves.
The world is full of un-loved people.. who do not realize the importance of giving that love first and foremost to themselves. One of the greatest lessons in self-development is love of self.. once achieved.. can change lives forever.. I should know :+) .. love to you my sweet soul sis xx
we all believe that theoritically but sadly it doesn't apply in the real world, haters don't know what love is, hence, won't receive it properly as any normal loving being would, and that's why there would be no synergism with those guys and what they represent -hatred!!
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Worthy Quotes
"We begin life with the world presenting itself to us as it is. Someone - our parents, teachers, analysts - hypnotizes us to "see" the world and construe it in the "right" way. These others label the world, attach names and give voices to the beings and events in it, so that thereafter, we cannot read the world in any other language or hear it saying other things to us. The task is to break the hypnotic spell, so that we become undeaf, unblind and multilingual, thereby letting the world speak to us in new voices and write all its possible meanings in the new book of our existence. Be careful in your choice of hypnotists."
~Sidney Jourard
Dr. Dheena Sadik
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Born and raised in Sri Lanka, the Universe swept me away to a historic city in the heart of Asia for my medical studies. This metamorphic half decade molded me in challenging ways beyond my imagination as I arrived in Nawabshah, a medieval city in the heart of Sind province of Pakistan, that ideally fits the description of the Arabian Nights tales.
Eventually, I realized my true calling is to heal beings via the elixir of writing rather than synthetic drugs. Hence, I now embark on an unpredictable journey as I travel to pursue my dream.
With patience and perseverance, I continue to remain steadfast in following my passion guided by intuition.
Through writing, I look forward to sharing my Chosen Odyssey with you.