As I gazed across my Surgery book towards the open window, I remember the icy cold wind tingled my face. It felt so permanent, as though it would last forever, until unpleasant memories of the furnace hot summer limited the pinnacle of that moment.
College. So much substance and innumerable ingredients. All the variety of sharp observations, upright lessons, rich experiences and of course unforgettable memories. I recall my milestone days as a fresher. Alas! Those were not luscious constituents of my quest. From unpalatable salty hard water to sand-storm garnished air at fifty four degrees in blazing summers; All we could wish was the silent winter, until I was surprised to notice my frost-bitten, blue numb nails one Monday morning; Proving to myself I was still an amateur to life's new encounters cascading in coordination with every sunrise.
The mere fact of living with individuals your own age. Neither wise old grandparents encircling us with highly orthodox limitations nor the genuine cry of a newborn nephew who stepped into the enigmatic society. In reality, was I deprived of those experiences which are essential interlocking pieces to the jigsaw puzzle of life? Or in contrary, did I harvest more than I sowed the past half decade? I reckon certain scenarios are more feasible left miscalculated, when your instincts sense negative variables in the conclusive equation.
Unity in diversity was the parchment icing for the complicated cake we baked. Honestly, it wasn't a fantasy bed, decorated with dew drops on rose petals, to sail aboard a ship of a variety of over a double dozen citizens. Was it essential to elect a captain for the crew? Eventually despite the common odyssey, in reality we were cruising towards individual ports of our own ambitions.
Sizzling soccer matches, heated debates and quadriceps throbbing musical concerts, uplifted us to fly without wings. Sitting back at home one lethargic evening during a summer vacation, I felt the inertia crawling exponentially. Beyond a shadow of doubt, even seven decades later, despite all the unimaginable technological advances accomplished, I can't persuade myself of the possibility of a time machine which could rejuvenate all that seasoning.
Chronologically, as our cytoplasm advances to maturity, we realize a quiet bird in our palms is more tangible than a lovely couple chirping in the clear blue sky. I am contented by this bittersweet voyage, which conclusively added a unique aroma and flavor to my life's sunshine garden. I'd probably be a hypnotized zombie living in monotony unless Sind awoke the latent extrovert who was hibernating in disguise within me.