Your Heart is a vessel that needs to be filled. It would feel utmost content when you fill it naturally with genuine Faith.
Your Heart is a vessel that needs to be filled. It would feel utmost content when you fill it naturally with genuine Faith.
Thank You so much Norbert. Indeed that was a very generous compliment. Glad you enjoy Chosen Odyssey. Hope you have all the good things in every aspect of your Life.
Contentment, now that's a very interesting topic... not many people are actually content with everything they have in this life nor with themselves.
E.g. are we content with how we look? what we have? we always admire other people and other things, however, to these people we should look at those less fortunate than us.
Wealth isn't everything, nor is chasing ones dream this or dream that. Contentment is for the chosen few.... ~Bhatti00
Thank You Haroun. Despite all the "achievements and Success" many individuals complain they don't feel peace within. Faith is the healer. We are made to absorb and emit love to each other. Faith in itself is a major ingredient in Love.
My definition of success is to do things for my own pleasure and to have the sincere love of at least one person :)
Haroun- Your definition includes Faith in yourself there. Doing thing for our own pleasure includes belief in Self, without which we would give up before we set out to make our passions a reality.
Sincere love for at least one person, that's a very precious goal indeed.
Id rather live a short life with one who understands than have longevity with a million acquaintances. ~ Post 2 - Chosen Odyssey :)
Really very true Dina,we need to very carefully and fill our heart with genuine faith
Matoke- Thank You. However, this takes time. I don't agree completely on the carefulness. Exploring reality DOES involve taking risks, without which life on Earth would be WAY too sober :)
That's lovely Dina. Faith is so valuable & so powerful.
I like your definition of success too Haroun.
Of course, for me faith is a given. Its unquestionable, unspoken.
I too have a million acquaintances but am yearning to deepen my connection to a chosen few and deepen totally with just one, a twin soul :)
Thanks Lena :)
Thanks Dina for reminding me that it involve taking risk so the word careful should not be there because it take time and life is too short to.......
Matoke- You are welcome :)
Dina I love synergy with your wisdom. In meditation today, I saw an angel coming out of my heart...was so inspiring and gives me greater faith in my knowledge of the direction my flow is taking me...Love to you..Tetka
Tetka- That's wonderful. That's proof enough showing us the power of Faith. Thank You for sharing that phenomenal experience with Us.
Faith is the full trust and reliance in anything - be it concept, belief structure, science, water being wet... Faith is not only a religious construct but a word describing the emotional and mental reliance of the individual. Having faith means you depend on something or someone.
faith - whether in the universe, ones self, a belief system or just a creator is quiet, strong, seeks not to convert, does not destroy, finds common ground, and politely disagrees when none is is all this and so much more
beware for faith can be shaped like iron on a forge that is called dogma which results in a weapon far more powerful and dangerous then any sword or gun. Faith can be pounded into a armor that deflects reason and criticism and for those people who seek power over there fellow humans , when cloaked in faith and wielding faith can bring about great evil all in the name of a faith that they have twisted beyond recognition.
If you have faith, if you seek faith , no matter what your calling if it is to do good then the responsibility is upon each and everyone of you, regardless of creed, country, politics, religion...regardless of all of these things to defend faith from those who pervert it.
faith is courage to think for oneself ... so spread the faith.
Shimmy, Mia, Zian, Kevin, Jennifer- Thank You ALL for your questions and answers. Really appreciate your interaction.
Zian- How I see it is to believe DEEPLY, without doubts. Eg- When has Faith he/ she could pursue a career, despite current financial situations not in favor of it. To have Faith More than mere Hope :)
Kevin- Thank You SO very much for the explicit definition and explanation. I agree about how heights of Faith can lead to devastating outcomes. In fact I read some time ago, a pinnacle of Faith in Self could lead either to iconic role models or villains. Both these extremes require one to break out of the conventional herd which requires great courage and perseverance. So unbreakable faith is the key to success and ironically the root to evil in the wrong hands. This doesn't mean religious extremist function via the height of Faith in God!!! No Way! ;) They are sadly mislead via their own ignorance and conveniently label religion as a sugar coat.
@ Kevin, well grounded explanation for faith. The too-far beliefs is called 'blind' faith...where people are brainwashed by a leader as such where it exists in cults..
To me this occurs when one's spirit is weak and can be led astray by rhetoric.
@ Dina did you mean having faith in finding true love? as I already know that my views are so different to your intent - just wondering.
Jennifer- No I didn't mean Faith only specifically to true love. I meant Faith in God, Self, our passions, ALL Possibilities our hearts and soul desire within our realm.
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Worthy Quotes
"We begin life with the world presenting itself to us as it is. Someone - our parents, teachers, analysts - hypnotizes us to "see" the world and construe it in the "right" way. These others label the world, attach names and give voices to the beings and events in it, so that thereafter, we cannot read the world in any other language or hear it saying other things to us. The task is to break the hypnotic spell, so that we become undeaf, unblind and multilingual, thereby letting the world speak to us in new voices and write all its possible meanings in the new book of our existence. Be careful in your choice of hypnotists."
~Sidney Jourard
Dr. Dheena Sadik
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About Dr. Dheena Sadik
Born and raised in Sri Lanka, the Universe swept me away to a historic city in the heart of Asia for my medical studies. This metamorphic half decade molded me in challenging ways beyond my imagination as I arrived in Nawabshah, a medieval city in the heart of Sind province of Pakistan, that ideally fits the description of the Arabian Nights tales.
Eventually, I realized my true calling is to heal beings via the elixir of writing rather than synthetic drugs. Hence, I now embark on an unpredictable journey as I travel to pursue my dream.
With patience and perseverance, I continue to remain steadfast in following my passion guided by intuition.
Through writing, I look forward to sharing my Chosen Odyssey with you.