In response to an intriguing comment to Post 53-
Comment- "What you said is beautiful, but here's a fact, I DO represent my own mind but i also represent MY COUNTRY, MY RELIGION, MY PEOPLE and if i act in an offensive way, this will be related to what i represent, what i'm trying to say is showing a beautiful mind and soul reflects on what i believe in and represent, and people will see that, feel that, and know the difference hands-on, not by reading books or listening to others but by simply experiencing how i act although i might represent what they don't understand or dislike...."
* Reply- I wasn't implying it's an absolutely a bad thing to be born to a particular religion, race or nation. In fact this creates diversity and eliminates boredom. My concern however, is how over-rated is all this grouping? As much as many love their herd, isn't this the major root to many conflicts on Earth today? As much as we feel home to our fellow worshipers and citizens, an exaggeration of this powerful feeling has wiped out thousands of our fellow Earthlings.
All in the name of Religion there have been too many wars, not only inter-religious but also Intra-religious clashes, eg Shiite- Sunni clashes within Islam. Having witnessed the intensity and discomfort between such groups I admit it's far from healthy. So all in the name of "love" and pride of their group, do they suddenly get rights to justify bitter feelings and thoughts towards the "other" groups? In this case, wouldn't you rather live in a world free of such boundaries limiting us to love and care for our fellow brothers and sisters?
As for patriotism- I arrived on Earth in the midst of a three decade CIVIL war, which only ended recently. Having been a victim, together with 20 million other country fellows, having lived with the constant fear of suicide bombers- even on your way back from school, with headlines on the news daily of casualties, there was very little that patriotism did to save all those countless innocent victims of ONE mother land.
Just think back of our planet. Regardless what you believe- Adam as the first man or evolution following the Big Bang, the entire globe was ONE until eventually we were separated into countries, continents, communities, religions, races and now socio-economic classes too. For those of you who believe in God, does the Almighty recognize us by our salaries, languages, citizenship or popularity? At dusk, aren't we all merely equal souls on the same line to Him?
As much as our minds have the power to cerebrate and make independent decisions, the element of inter-dependence between one another, regardless where we were born by default, will always exist till our final breathe. The entire Universe is a single organism just like ourselves. We are all part of a Vast jigsaw puzzle affecting each other.
Let us all be proud citizens of this Universe with compassionate towards our fellow beings and other creatures too. Lets be grateful for our intact senses and perceptions and be content to be amongst the privileged minority of this world to be seated comfortably this very moment and read this note with literacy so many aren't gifted to have. We are "more" blessed than we could ever imagine!