61. Camouflaged Bliss  

Posted by Dr. Dheena Sadik in , ,

What if tell you there are priceless things you can afford to buy? Yes, even a homeless could have. The next opportunity you get to leave home, I request you to do yourself a favor that you undoubtedly deserve. I want you to focus DEEPLY on something you usually take for granted. It could be trees, flowers, the eyes of a cat you pass by, or simply the angel of breeze abundantly surrounding you. As you concentrate more and more deeper, you will begin to tantalize the music embedded within unexpected sources beating in unison to your pacemaker.

*At this point I literally stood up and walked outside my front gate*

I intend on sharing with you what I absorb during this mini trip. In order to prevent my visual ideas over-ride my other perceptions, I switched off the garden lights and stood in complete darkness (around 11 p.m last night!) only illuminated by moonlight. Ahhh! How breathtaking! The handsome moon poured its silky beams onto the majestic coconut palms while the smooth blades of grass frolicked in delight against my feet. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze tingle my face, only to be distracted by hyperactive mosquitoes singing against my ears and restless lizards creaking at a distance in phase with the leaves of all the trees in sight. As I opened my eyes I spot stress-free fireflies flying with overflowing liberty, with joy peace many of us could only wish for. The stars dazzled with pride as patriotic citizens of the Milky Way...

As you see, the moon, stars, breeze, warmth of sunlight, music of insects and designed flights of bees, all these priceless sources of tranquility are affordable even to the starving and homeless. As you choose to sip from these fountains of bliss, you will gradually quench the insatiable thirst for peace of mind until materialism with all its pressure would have no space on your list of requirements for true happiness.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 7:34 PM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Over the past couple of years a close friend and two family members passed away.. and I awakened to realize that there is so much I can DO! I am here, on the earth, and I can do things! I can feel the sun on my face, smell the breeze, touch the earth. I can snuggle with my dog, play games with my children.. really listen to those questions that ... Read Morethey ask.. and wonder alongside them.

There are so many miracles surrounding us everywhere - we simply need to pause and appreciate them... and we will be filled with so much gratitude.

Thank you for this beautiful note, Dheena!

August 9, 2009 at 10:37 PM

this is amazing, Dheena but after reading (Leverage), i find it kinda strange for a homeless, as said in (camouflaged bliss)to feel that BEAUTY around him while someone who's not necessarily homeless but (born with the GREATEST challenges.... having to give up their ambitions ONLY because they can't AFFORD it despite having the potential it requires-as written in Leverage) is suffering and unhappy (that's not my opinion, i commented otherwise, but u strongly expressed how unfair that is even in your comments, that we have NO IDEA what this life is like with all these challenges cause we didn't live the same way... now, to imagine a homeless guy with all the challenges in the world -to say the least- enjoying the buzzing of bees and insects is kinda buffling to me :S

could u plz explain? cause now i'm starting to see u have double opinions about the same topic, so enlighten me so i wouldn't WRONGLY judge you :)... excuse me for my candid comment here, but i meant no offense whatsoever, i'm just being straightforward, the wording is beautiful as always, the images, the inspiration... of course, all great but the greater pic got me confused, that's all :), awaiting ur reply, thnx

August 10, 2009 at 4:18 PM
Cheryl Batoon  

Yes, the beauty of nature that God gifted to us is priceless. Life is so simple, yet we make it complex. I too struggle with the mundane day-to-day issues that we all face, but when I feel overwhelmed or in my sad space, nature always has a way of making me smile...yes, it is priceless. Thank you for sharing.

August 12, 2009 at 1:27 AM
Luanne Thulstrup  

The moon last night was unbelievable. :) Thanks for your comments.

August 12, 2009 at 1:28 AM
Dahara Maria  

Such lovely as everything u show and write, so much thank u friend for sharing that , i hope u r having a great day !! :-)

August 12, 2009 at 1:28 AM
Samia Westvel  

When I go up to the mountains from the city where I live, I love gazing at the stars in the night. It gives me a sense of well being & peace! I try not to take things for granted. I love walks in the woods and I admire every thing I see in my path. I love the serenity, the calmness.

August 12, 2009 at 1:28 AM
Amine Akh  

bird has two wings to fly
so we need both wings: Spiritual and Material wings
to remain in the attraction of earth gravity "pesanteur"

So many stars are shining in the sky, see in each own Heart
there is eternal star shining with soft light once we close
eyes and remain centered in heart this vibration subtle energy
revele and emerge this star shine from Heart through own eyes

August 12, 2009 at 1:29 AM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

For years now [ and I'm pretty old] I am so filled with gratitude many times a day for the simplest things in my and others' lives... just like my mom was! Everything was a treasure to her and she lived with a very very small pension!!! I even TALK to my HEART and THANK it for all the work it does ...and ask forgiveness for mistreating it. sometimes!!! As we all know negative emotions do NOT respect the heart andthe health in general as toxic secretions are released, etc... FULLY appreciating... even our cherished, precious ORGANS and thanking them is something we often NEGLECT!!! There are millions of excuses to TASTE the sweet nectar of appreciation and gratitude... I love you so let me count the ways...
Meditation opens the door to such enlightenment.....

August 12, 2009 at 1:30 AM
Hesham Hassan  

“All creatures and creation are very eloquent, they were created by Allah/God, fluent and expressive, every picture (outer projection of a creature) and different kind of creation – with the inner and outer disciplines provided within them to make them exist – is a miracle of the many miracles of divine ability.” - Said Anorsi

The most beautiful about the beauty of nature and creation, is it being the mirror by which believers see the manifestations of the endless attributes of divine ability, might, percision, wisdom.
Through their harmony by which they live within themselves, their own kind and the rest of the universe, you can almost hear their distant declaration:
"We have been created by The One, The Creator, The Maker, The Bestower of form, The Sustainer, The Provider, The Preserver, The All-Knowing, The Wise, The Most Glorious, The Loving One, The Merciful, The Compassionate. He, who our existence is nothing beside his self subsistence."

August 12, 2009 at 1:30 AM
Shayna Bracha Farber  

wonderful.. yes the beauty of our universe if we only take the time to listen.. thx u for this.. blessings, SBF

August 12, 2009 at 1:31 AM

Once when quite young, I looked to the sky and said I knew what it meant when it was said that God was all loving. For God gave me the same beautiful sky by day by night as he did to Kings and Queens. When we bathe in the beauty of all that God provides to each of us unconditionally, we are cleansed of all misgivings. Behold the beauty.

September 25, 2009 at 11:14 AM

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