55. You belong to You on Earth  

Posted by Dr. Dheena Sadik in , , , ,

Nobody has the right to change and control your Unique characteristics. Don't let anyone hypnotize you into that which they wished you could be instead. There is a unique compass embedded deep within your characteristic DNA. No two individuals own the exact genetic constituents (except clones). Likewise, whatever you desire, your dreams, your goals, your passions, your ambitions- The way You feel is your very own feelings. Believing you can make it happen is the first step to this destination of eternal serenity that would blossom out of it. Even if it takes years to convince yourself you can make it happen-Grip that thought! Imagine all the possibilities your mind can breathe through and fly across the infinite horizons of all realms. That exotic oasis within you.

Never regret ANY choices you made beyond ALL oppositions. Your decisions were based on your experiences and you followed your instincts at that time which you believed was the
Best. Whatever the consequences maybe its all part of the package of your cruise. At times we receive alternative incentives to that which our hearts initially desired; Our juvenile minds of the past may have quenched for substances our souls do not really need today for its growth. Hence, not getting what you wanted is NOT a failure. In reality you got what you NEEDED to work in synergism with your maturity, nourishing and hydrating your soul to a more refined and unique individual today, better than yesterday.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 7:33 PM and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Goorgeous Synner  

If everyone was altered by someone they loved... they'd all end up being like somebody else.......
So, there would be NO contrasts and no individuality, which is what God made us too to be... Individuals...
If someone cant accept you for who you are, and unless they can help to improve you for your OWN benefit... walk away...
Not all changes are bad, some are actually good, but if they are for someone else's happiness... then walk away... if its not actually for YOUR highest benefit....

July 29, 2009 at 8:57 PM

Goorgeous Synner- Indeed. You made the chambers of my heart clap in delight. Thank You for being of those few WHO are of the same page. The root cause to all this expectations is the herd phenomenon. People simply don't let go. I'm simply reaching the pinnacle of patience. Its just unbelievable how mediocrity won't except change.

July 29, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Shivonne Savour  

Perfect my wonderful friend. You are blessed with your gift.

July 29, 2009 at 8:58 PM

Shivonne- Thank You dear.

July 29, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Abdelrahman Magdy  

Hell Yes! It's more offending when those people are the closest to you! As close as parents sometimes.

July 29, 2009 at 8:58 PM

Abdelrahman- You just hit the nail through the head! Yes, and So much more hurtful too, because the reality is you don't want to hurt them either via defense of that which is our own authority.

July 29, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Carolyn Mair  

Beautifully put, Gorgeous! Thank you for your words of wisdom!

July 29, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Goorgeous Synner  

You are so welcome Dina, I am all for change IF it is of benefit to that person, if you can see that without change that they will hurt themselves OR even worse, later regret their choice/decision...
We as parents can only do so much... and it is trying at times to watch our teenagers make stupid choices or decisions, only to later have them say to... Read More us.. " oh gee, I wish I had of listened to you" This is when listening to change IS good.
But, age is infact on OUR side, and as trying as it is... we must persevere with these, our children and guide them to change for their... higher good.

July 29, 2009 at 9:00 PM

Excellent! But we youngsters are having hard times trying to convince our parents to give us the opportunity to take our own decisions, and they don't seem to understand that we do have the right to take risks and make mistakes!

Keep up the good work :)

- Abdo

July 29, 2009 at 9:00 PM

Abdo- Thank You. Indeed, AGREED. There cannot be growth with over-protection and there cannot be exploration with limitations. I strongly believe and stand by the fact that every soul is given a single body on earth, with which we can use our minds to carry ourselves to unimaginable heights. There are no failures and mistakes in Life, only lessons to be learnt; And we can't learn them unless we take risks and learn them via experiences. Inshallah may find the strength to find the liberty we own and deserve.

July 29, 2009 at 9:05 PM

Goorgeous- I meant in the sense of young adults. Coming from a highly orthodox society where parents simply don't LET GO of children even after they pass adulthood is unbelievable. How is it remotely fair to dismiss ALL their decisions of their own career, their clothes, etc, etc? Its this hideous extreme level of control I'm implying to. I'm still on the child's side of the fence not having reached parenthood! :)

July 29, 2009 at 9:12 PM

Carolyn- Thank You :)

July 29, 2009 at 9:14 PM
Anthony Clatts  

Well improving the gene pool with new understanding certainly takes changing and controlling characteristics we possess by default

July 29, 2009 at 9:16 PM

Anthony- Respectfully disagree :) How can their be MORE variety via "controlling" characteristics we possess? Mutations- good and bad often occur via chance in a random unpredictable fashion. Just like the various pedigrees of animals and flowers. The more diverse the exposure the more possibilities of changes of our phenotype ( external characteristics) too.

July 29, 2009 at 9:16 PM
Ramesh Chivukula  

Dina , as we grow , we evolve and our characteristics do undergo change ..This is a very natural process .

July 29, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Ramesh- I agree. What I mean't is that there cannot be maximal growth with over-protection. That is the theme here. Thank You

July 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM

Dina darling, you are a divine messenger from on high with the ability to communicate exquisitely! And, thank you to all who expanded this message ~ all points so beautifully expressed. I feel so blessed, Dina, for this ongoing form of relating to an idea with like-minded deeply conscious individuals ~ song-filled art to my heart & soul as it soars in gratitude for being invited into this family of true spiritual thinkers! <3

July 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM

Linn- Beauty and depth of messages delivered truly lies in the eyes and mind of the beholder. It takes one to know one as much as set a thief to catch a thief! :) So Thank God and Thank You our paths crossed. Indeed we maybe an alien to the society with our uniqueness, but we are family among all those labeled aliens! Love and Peace~ Dina :)

July 29, 2009 at 9:48 PM
Dagmara Elminowska  

thank you Dina for the honour! sometimes we dont get what we want because its not really what we need - we should differentiate those two things as they are not equal

July 29, 2009 at 9:53 PM

Dagmara- Thank You. Indeed, it takes time and growth to figure out a LOT if Life. We need to be patient and not be hasty to accelerate our geriatrics. Our minds and bodies are wonderfully architectures by God. HE knows at which speed everything should occur. Hence, I believe we shouldn't fight the natural flow of our minds, rather work in unison with it.

July 29, 2009 at 9:55 PM
Dina Listiorini  

Beautiful, sis...

July 29, 2009 at 9:57 PM

Thank You Dina!

July 29, 2009 at 9:57 PM
Anthony Clatts  

Wow similar to my views. Basically i would say that this core originality, which is abstracted as an idea yet coded or embedded in the material of your physical being, could be what we call the 'soul'. Our 'souls' then are only actually active when we are alive however those actions we leave will live forever along with an infinitely large amount of other actions(in the universe)(which as you say draws out the you, the difference that you make) would make our actions void if we didn't physically survive this process of rarefaction. You could say we are destined to be reproducing machines but that may be true only if we do not create ourselves and begin an evolution of what we want, what we are.

July 29, 2009 at 10:04 PM

Anthony- You have spoken words which reverberates in phase with my past, present and future! Indeed, I've said it before there is more than a generation we can behind Earth as we physically exit. Self evolution is the key to producing refined individuals and eventually a higher quality society. Within our genome is the liberty to explore various level, parallel and intersecting to those better mutations of our current selves. Indeed, we should be prepared to change ourselves as of now to keep evolving into that which is better than now. Hence, the cumulative cycle continues in an exponential manner which indeed can only make us stronger in every plane of Life.

July 29, 2009 at 10:04 PM
Anthony Clatts  

Thanks, I really enjoy that someone like you exists out there with such rich and personal messages.

July 29, 2009 at 11:42 PM

Anthony- You are very welcome. I'm in awe with the depth and spectrum of your knowledge. The panorama of your innovative thoughts has no sea bed dear Anthony. Stay Original. You are undoubtedly an icon although many may not see it and admit it yet! All the VERY best. You will definitely shine for eras.

July 29, 2009 at 11:42 PM
Hemal Radia  

You are sovereign and what you have to offer is of value.
Regardless of what has happened or what has gone before.

July 29, 2009 at 11:48 PM

Hemal- Thank You. Appreciate your kind words.

July 29, 2009 at 11:49 PM
Hesham Hassan  

"not getting what you want is NOT a failure. In reality you got what you NEEDED to work in synergism with your maturity, nourishing and hydrating your soul to a more refined and unique individual today, better than yesterday."

This is a realization that took me the bigger part of my life to reach, and when I did one day, I could almost see what I thought to be the dark soil of my past, blossom with the most beautiful of colors. Sometimes we worry so much about what we believe escaped us in the past, or what we think we should have in the future, that we miss seeing that right now, we have the most perfect of settings to put us where we should be, at this very moment.

Awesome insight Dina.

July 29, 2009 at 11:49 PM

Hesham- Thank You. Yes, I believe humans shine at different phases of Life. No Great man/ woman was BORN awesome and stayed that way till their last breathe. Not even the Prophets were perfect. Its only human nature to dive into and out of various phases and lessons. As we individually take our own route we perceive various facets of Life to various degrees. Not everyone can do and understand everything. We are ALL born with at least one talent. We have ALL the tools within Us to explore ourselves and discover our potentials. When and how far this may occur lies in our maturity. Some reach it early while others a little later. However, its NEVER late. Whenever it does occur know that its perfectly the right time! :)

July 29, 2009 at 11:55 PM
Anna Liechu  

Very nice Dina, you are so right, it is such a pleasure to read your daily posts, Have a Blessed Day.

July 29, 2009 at 11:59 PM
Jennifer Leigh Epps  

:) This is beautiful Dina...infinite thanks ((♥))

July 29, 2009 at 11:59 PM
Connie 'Fry' Romines  

Thank you Dina for taking the time out of your busy schedule to honor your friends with such uplifting messages...You are such an adorable and kind soul. May all your dreams be manifested into your life. I am so honored to call you my friend! Blessings to You, Connie

July 29, 2009 at 11:59 PM
Marietta Acero  

It is an HONOR for me.God Bless you!!!!!

July 30, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Marietta, Anna, Jennifer, Connie - Thank You all Lovely Ladies! ♥

July 30, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Phillip A Gornail  

The Scroll Marked IV in The Greatest Salesman in the World personifies this point. It starts with:

"I am nature's greatest miracle. Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today and none that come tomorrow can walk & talk & move & think exactly like me. All men are my brothers yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature. I am nature's greatest miracle."

It goes on to say something else that you articulated so well:... Read More

"I have been given eyes to see & a mind to think & now I know a great secret of life; for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements & heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth & I will not be deceived."

You my dear Dina have encapsulated these principles so very well. Thank you indeed for sharing. ;-D

July 30, 2009 at 12:02 AM

Phillip- Thank You for sharing your wisdom here with Us all.

" all my problems, discouragements & heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise."

That was truly a relieving line.

May God Bless you PG. :)

July 30, 2009 at 12:04 AM
Bruce Fowler  

Dina...BEAUTIFULLY written my friend. In lay terms.....out of the park kid.....:0))

July 30, 2009 at 12:11 AM

Bruce- You are handsomely welcome my friend. In like minded buddy terms! :)

July 30, 2009 at 12:11 AM
Durelle Freeman  

Your link is beautiful as well as carries a powerful message. Thank you for sharing your inspiring creativity with the world.

July 30, 2009 at 1:54 AM
Guadalupe Arce  

You got my whole attention with this. !!Excellent!!!

July 30, 2009 at 1:55 AM

Durelle, Guadalupe - Thank You. Appreciate both your kind words.

July 30, 2009 at 1:55 AM
Ben Adkins  

This is very nice D, never regret any choices, I'll work on that one ;))

July 30, 2009 at 1:55 AM

Ben- Thank You Ben. Indeed, There are no mistakes and failures, its ALL part of the waves. The specific path our hearts beat towards. We simply need to begin each day afresh. Each new sunrise is a new Life, free of errors and mishaps. Lets reincarnate everyday! :)

July 30, 2009 at 1:55 AM
Denise Warfe  

Nobody has the rights to change and control your Unique characteristics"....

Powerful way to start off Dina. Love this note

Much love to you my dear friend

July 31, 2009 at 1:28 AM

Denise- You are always Welcome D. When I said you are welcome to my garden it was an eternal invitation :) I feel blessed as well for having you in my Life.

July 31, 2009 at 1:29 AM
Jennifer Modeste-Jarvis  

I agree wholeheartedly about one's uniqueness, thus one's own dreams and ambitions.

About the regret part, I question some of the things mu mother told or advised me against, but i 'listened' to myself, so I guess that made my choices bases on my experiences at the time and it was the best choice at the time.
I have now 'outgrown' those choices and wish to move on, but out of some measure of guilt and gratitude, I guess I stayed on..I have to really think about this part..

July 31, 2009 at 1:30 AM

Jennifer- "made my choices bases on my experiences at the time and it was the best choice at the time"... That's all that counts. AT THAT TIME You did what you felt was BEST Jennifer. Its what made evolved you into who you are today! You would be someone else had you not made those decisions AT THAT TIME! No regrets and MORE importantly NO GUILT my friend. Every step DOES count. Whether we realize and/ or accept this fact. Our Unique pathway is irreplaceable.

July 31, 2009 at 1:36 AM
Matoke Amos  

Wow D.this is really good encouragement,it is excellent you have raised my soul and thanks friend. I really appreciate and I am happy to associate with you .Great brains, be blessed dear sister.

July 31, 2009 at 1:37 AM
Charan Surdhar  

Dina.........the Truth is magnificent!! Thank you for this! :-)

July 31, 2009 at 1:37 AM
Ley Vickers  

Thank you Dina. Much appreciated.. always a pleasure to hear your words.. many thanks hunny xxx

July 31, 2009 at 1:38 AM

And that is what I call living a life, a life of your own.



July 31, 2009 at 1:39 AM
Diane Buchberger  

I march to the beat of my own drummer, but I do follow my intuition.

July 31, 2009 at 1:40 AM
Brian Mayne  

See Dina - I said you were already a motivational speaker and writer, and if you were in any doubt just re-read the comments about. Love & Light to you.

July 31, 2009 at 1:40 AM

Matoke, Charan, Ley, FVR, Dian, Brian, Jennifer- Thank you ALL for your kind words of appreciation. God Bless You :)

July 31, 2009 at 1:40 AM

Brian- Thank You very Much. Coming from a Popular Writer and Motivational speaker that truly is a compliment and blessing as well. God Bless You too.

July 31, 2009 at 1:41 AM

at the end of the day, it's our differences that make us unique, we want to understand each other but we don't want to BE LIKE each other, there would be no surprise, no dreams, no high expectations, the thrill of anticipation, the worry of the reaction, it's going to be "what you see is what you get" and that is pretty much wanted is some areas of life but certainly not all its aspects for it would be so dull and pointless if all of us were one and the same, whomever claim they love me and then WANT TO CHANGE ME don't really love me, because this powerful word comes from accepting who I am, what I represent, my soul, heart and mind, what I look like and how I'll look like in 50 years!! you can kindly point out a misunderstanding or a mistake for a friend of yours and make him/her understand but don't TELL them to change their attitude, how come? their attitude is the magnet that drew you in the first place

August 1, 2009 at 5:10 AM
John Ehman  

How many times did we wish for or buy something spur of the moment that we really didn't need at all.

To satisfy one's wants is a reaction to the moment, once the moment is gone we find it not as satisfying.

September 8, 2009 at 3:10 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

Wonderfullllllll statement, Dheena!!! YOU radiate so much LIGHT ...as always!!! I sooooooo much prefer spiritual statements to religious ones ...unless the 2 are very well-blended ... without fanaticism... in an addictive manner...which could make us "imperialists" and rigid ...wanting to CONVERT the whole of humanity to our beliefs!! !Many wars ... Read Moreare based on such RELIGIOUS people who are NOT truly SPIRITUAL ... What does SPIRITUALITY mean? Isn't it nourishing the BEAUTY of their OWN soul ... where the Christians say lie the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit ... those magnificent virtues too often eclipsed by the EGO , the HOOKING to dogmas , the" tribal thinking" and the regurgitating of all that... NEVER even having had the chance to glimpse into GOD within their TRUE self ...their very own SOUL, their PERSONAL "religion"!!!
There are such great spiritual sites on the Internet which to me are BEAMS of LIGHT!!! That + my 5,6 very spiritual friends, 2 of them MYSTICS in my own life...

September 8, 2009 at 3:10 PM
Marlin Lockrem  


September 8, 2009 at 3:11 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

Great Marlin, I agree!My husband was Hindu,I was Catholic, went to mass every Sunday when young,did my high school boarding far away from home in a convent with the nuns and went to mass every day for 5 years, taught for 35 years in the Catholic schools and we had many SPIRITUALdays during the school year!!! Some believers and presenters were ... Read Moremore enlightened than others and good things were PREACHED and/or discussed!There were some though,I just can't believe my eyes, who said such things as... that you can only enter into HEAVEN through Christ and they explained WHY and how... so 3/4 of humans will go somewhere else [ limbus,hell, purgatory,..etc! When questioned they were rigid, NO COMPROMISE!!! I don't even KNOW what IS after death but I embrace IT fully... complete surrendering to...the inevitable. Iwas flabberghasted because since my BIRTH I listened to my soul { I think that I was born with as they say a very old soul... this is what the psychics all around the world told me].

There was also a kind of ELITISM for those who had FAITH as if they were superior, evolved BEINGS... and the rest were depraved... fortunately, they were not sure WHO was not following all the dogmas and missing Sunday mass, etc...
When Pope John Paul 2 declare formally that HEAVEN, PURGATORY, and HELL were states inside of US ... not so long ago... Read More ...I was JOYFULLLLLL to see his ENLIGHTENMENT and to feel the warmth of his radiance!!! In all aspects of his life I respected HIM anyway!I had spent hundreds of hours with my friend ANDREAS, the mystic[ all mystics are on the same wavelengths,no division based on dogmas] discussing alll those themes in the past 20 years and to hear the POPE validating the same thoughts was reassuring!!!ALL JOURNEYS ARE DIFFERENT and as I said before: We are all ONE but yet each human BEing is a DISTINCT universe with his/her OWN solar/SOULARsystem [ stars,laxies,planets ,storms,catastrophes,black holes, etc...] That is why we EACH have a DISTINCT "religion.

September 8, 2009 at 3:11 PM
Marlin Lockrem  


At sunset the birds gather in the branches, some chirp shrilly, some sing sweetly; at sunrise again they fly away.... Arjan

September 8, 2009 at 3:12 PM
Therese Lepage Lachapelle-Bhatnagar  

I love your sense of humour, Marlin!!! You're right... no big deal!!! Have a lovely evening!!! All is well that ends well!!!

September 8, 2009 at 3:12 PM
Kumar Ankush  

@Therese- And I respect you ma'am!! The way Dheena di give away the lyrics and the way you compose those, striking the chords, adding more elegance to it with your experience, is truely mesmerising!! I'm really thankful! : )

September 8, 2009 at 3:13 PM

Thank You for your interactions EVERYONE.

Therese- Between religion and spirituality comes an inconspicuous undefinable inexplicable fine line. Its something that would probably remain ambiguous till the Last trumpets. I believe its a plane of bliss that only can be experienced and not really explained or understood unless relished. Its a divine connection with your SELF that links one to the soul's Creator. It raises one above ALL materialism and over looks the ordinary mundane. It is the BEAUTY via SIMPLICITY, which sadly has been camouflaged by the complexity in today's high velocity era.

September 8, 2009 at 3:13 PM
Marlin Lockrem  


September 8, 2009 at 3:14 PM

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